Attention Riders:
We are experiencing severe driver shortages.
The following temporarily applies:
- Shopping, including groceries, and other non life-sustaining trips will be offered to the closest provider on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm.
- Life-sustaining trips (such as medical and employment) will not be affected.
- ADA complementary service is not affected by the temporary change.
This affects all rabbittransit counties including Adams, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Harrisburg City, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Union and York.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through our driver shortages.
These guidelines indicate when a vehicle will be in certain areas at certain times. Requested trip times must fall within the guidelines. If your trip time and/or destination falls outside of the times, your trip request may be denied. If this concerns a medical trip, we suggest calling your medical provider to negotiate an appointment time that falls within the travel guideline parameters.

Return Trip Procedure
Running late? If you are at a medical provider and your appointment is delayed, please call us or have a representative from the doctor’s office call rabbittransit Customer Service immediately. It is good practice upon arriving at your medical appointment to check in with staff to alert them that you are riding rabbittransit and inquire if your doctor is on schedule. We want to avoid having the vehicle arrive for your return trip before you are seen by the medical provider.
No Shows
Except for ADA Complementary Paratransit riders, all passengers who “no show” a trip will be automatically cancelled for all other scheduled trips for the day. It is the responsibility of the passenger to call at least one hour in advance of the scheduled return trip (or subsequent trip) if the passenger still needs a ride. If the passenger contacts rabbittransit less than one hour before the scheduled return trip (or subsequent trip), the passenger may be required to pay full fare. ADA passengers will be required to call in to cancel all trips. Failure to do so will result in an additional “no show.”
Order of Drop Off
The order of passenger pick up and drop off is not just based on geographical location. Each funding agency of the various paratransit programs designates a different and specific set of regulations to which rabbittransit must adhere. These program regulations dictate how the service is provided and affects the order of passenger drop off and pick up. Multiple vehicles may be sent to one location (for example, a senior center) to pick up different sets of people as the vehicles travel to different parts of the county.
Special Needs Riders
While drivers have had some training for individuals with special needs, please understand that they may not be aware of all the conditions of these individuals, or special arrangements that must be made.
If a passenger cannot be left unattended, it is the responsibility of the caregiver to make the necessary arrangements to have an escort at the drop off point when the driver gets there. It is the caregiver’s responsibility to be available as soon as the bus arrives.
rabbittransit encourages passengers with special needs to utilize a personal care assistant to ensure success in their transportation.

Passenger Etiquette
- Remain seated while vehicle is in motion.
- Eating, drinking and smoking on rabbittransit vehicles is prohibited.
- Please do not disturb or harass other passengers.
- Audio or video devices are allowed as long as headphones are used.
- Conversations on cellular devices should not distract the driver or other passengers.
- Please refrain from using profane language.
Disruptive Behavior
rabbittransit may discontinue the service of any customer who endangers the safe operation of the vehicle, another passenger, themselves, or the rabbittransit driver. rabbittransit reserves the right to require an escort that is arranged for by the customer or designee when necessary.
Seat Belts & Car Seats
All passengers and personal care assistants are required to wear a seat belt (if available) on a paratransit vehicle.
According to Pennsylvania state law, customers must provide appropriate car seats when riding paratransit vehicles, including: Car seats for children under age four or a booster seat for children between the ages of four and seven. We will not transport passengers on paratransit vehicles if appropriate car seats are not provided. Subcontractors may use school buses, which do not always accommodate car seats or contain seat belts, but these items are not required on school buses.
This information is subject to and contingent upon changes to Pennsylvania state law. rabbittransit requires passengers to follow Pennsylvania state law.

Traveling with Children
With one adult trip, two children under the age of 12 can ride for free. If a child has an appointment, one adult and one child under the age of 12 can ride for free. Companions must be disclosed at the time of ride scheduling According to Pennsylvania state law, customers must provide appropriate car seats when riding paratransit vehicles, including: Car seats for children under age four or a booster seat for children between the ages of four and seven. We will not transport passengers on paratransit vehicles if appropriate car seats are not provided.
Please note:
If you are under 18, you are permitted to be accompanied by a parent or other relative/guardian at no cost. We must know at the time of trip booking to ensure capacity on the vehicle.
Unaccompanied Minor Policy
rabbittransit takes its role of providing mobility seriously. We recognize that in order to meet specific needs, there may be times when minor children need to travel alone.
Unaccompanied minors may travel on Paratransit from the age of 10. Anyone under the age of 10 must travel with a responsible person who is 16 or older.
Please note:
If you are under 18, you are permitted to be accompanied by a parent or other relative/guardian at no cost. We must know at the time of trip booking to ensure capacity on the vehicle.
Summer Camp Riders
Summer camp programs are facilitated through the Medical Assistance Transportation Program and provide fixed route reimbursement, mileage reimbursement, or origin-to-destination transportation to county children to and from summer therapeutic camps. The mode you use will be determined by rabbittransit staff based on your needs. See further details within the MATP description here. Final determination of eligibility for the MATP is made by rabbittransit based upon the Department of Human Services state system guidelines.
The same application process applies for how to register for the MATP Summer Camp Program. Summer Therapeutic Activities Program (STAP) staff will coordinate the trip reservations with rabbittransit. While we do not have a specific age limit for children to ride the bus, you may be required to provide an accompanying adult for your child(ren). Cases will be reviewed as necessary by rabbittransit.
The Summer Therapeutic Activities Program (STAP) provider should receive the child at the program and collect any items belonging to the child (back packs, car seats, boosters, straps, etc.). It is pertinent that a parent/guardian or a responsible adult is available at the origin-to-destination location to accept the child and their belongings (back packs, car seats, boosters, straps, etc.) at drop off in the afternoon.