Accessibility Features
rabbittransit offers a convenient, accessible, and safe way for people with disabilities and senior citizens to get around. rabbittransit believes in equal opportunity and inclusion for these groups, consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To accomplish this, rabbittransit works hard every day to ensure that all of our services are accessible and ready to meet our customers’ needs.
rabbittransit offers materials and forms in other accessible formats. Should you need materials or forms in a different format, please contact us.
Reasonable Modifications to Policies and Procedures
The Susquehanna Regional Transportation Authority (SRTA) may make reasonable modifications to policies and programs to assist people with disabilities in achieving equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. Anyone who requires auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in SRTA’s programs, services, or activities, should contact mobility planning by phone at 1-800-632-9063; mail at Sherry Welsh, ADA Officer, 415 Zarfoss Drive, York, PA 17404; or email at as soon as possible. Every effort should be made to make requests before the scheduled event. Should you want to appeal any decision related to a reasonable modification request, please click the appeal form or the Formulario de apelación.
The ADA does not require SRTA to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its services, create a direct threat, or is unnecessary to enable use of service.
You have the right to appeal a denial of a reasonable modification request. To do so, please download and return the appeal form.
Appeal FormADA Visitor Procedure
A visitor is defined as someone who does not reside in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions served by the public entity or other public entities with which it coordinates paratransit service.
Complementary paratransit service must be provided to ADA-eligible individuals who travel outside of the region in which they live. If an individual has not been certified as eligible by another public entity but can claim that they are ADA paratransit eligible, they are entitled to “presumptive eligibility” and must be provided with 21 days of service. Individuals that are not certified by another transit agency will be expected to provide documentation from their place of residence explaining the nature of their disability. The 21 days of service that a visitor receives must be calculated as any combination of 21 days during any 365-day period beginning with the visitor’s first use of the service.
If a visitor has been granted complementary paratransit service in their home region, the conditions determined by the home transit agency will be followed. The individual’s home transit agency will be contacted to verify the individual’s conditions.
If the individual claims that they are ADA paratransit eligible but have not been certified by another transit agency, other documentation will need to be reviewed. Doctor verification will be needed and a physical assessment may be needed to determine the individual’s conditions specific to the SRTA system. Once the individual provides the proper documentation, the individual will be granted “presumptive eligibility” for a period of 21 days.
Blind or Low Vision
For individuals with a visual impairment, accessible audio formats of the rabbittransit Paratransit/Shared Ride Guide are available.
If you are blind or have vision impairment, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses:
- Braille/raised-letter signs that indicate bus routes.
- Buses announce their route name and destination over an external speaker system as they pull up to a stop.
- Buses feature an automated system that announces the name of the next station. On buses without the automated system, the operator announces the major stops and transfer points. (You can also ask the operator to announce when a specific stop is coming.)
- Service animals are permitted on all buses.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses:
- The King Street Station features a digital display that shows you when the next vehicle is expected to arrive.
- Reader boards inside buses show the name of the next stop.
- On the bus, a sign near the operator lights up when a stop has been requested.
For individuals who are hearing impaired, rabbittransit encourages customers to use the PA Relay service. This service can be accessed by calling 711. The translation and interpretation services are free of charge.
Limited Mobility
If you use a wheelchair, scooter, or other mobility device, these accessibility features can help you get around on our buses:
- Buses are equipped with lifts and kneelers.
- All buses have priority seating areas inside by the door for seniors and riders with limited mobility, plus space for mobility devices.
Operators shall kneel the bus to make boarding and de-boarding as easy as possible for everyone by minimizing the slope of the ramp. Operators shall provide assistance to passengers upon request. Passengers with disabilities shall be allowed adequate time to board and de-board the vehicle.
Mobility Devices/Aids
All passengers who utilize wheelchairs must be properly secured before the bus may move. Wheelchairs and scooters should be backed onto the bus.
Service animals, as defined by the ADA, are permitted on all rabbittransit vehicles. The ADA applies to service animals who have been trained to perform specific work or tasks for persons with disabilities.
If a passenger has an oxygen tank or other medical aid, all items must be secured and kept out of aisles or walkways. Passengers are responsible for ensuring they have sufficient aid to last the duration of their trip. At times, our vehicles are delayed due to traffic, auto accidents, or other unusual circumstances.
Bus Lift Limitations
The average bus has a lift that can accommodate a total combined weight of up to 800 pounds, which includes both the mobility device and the customer. The average lift platform can accommodate wheelchair dimensions of 34″ x 51″. rabbittransit may or may not accommodate anything larger or heavier.

Language Assistance Policy (LEP)
Limited English Proficiency Policy Statement and Available Resources
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq., provides that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin under any program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance. Title VI and its implementing regulations require that FTA recipients take responsible steps to ensure meaningful access to the benefits, services, information, and other important portions of their programs and activities for individuals who are Limited English Proficient (LEP). SRTA provides several options to assist in communicating with individuals who do not speak English. SRTA contracts with Certified Languages International to provide translation services. Customers should identify their need upon calling SRTA and SRTA will conference call the interpreter. For individuals who are hearing impaired, SRTA encourages customers to use the PA Relay service. This service can be accessed by calling 711. These translation and interpretation services are free of charge. Smartphone apps are also recommended for translator resources.
Dominio de Inglés Limitado Declaración Política y los Decursos Disponibles
Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964, 42 USC 2000d, et seq., se dispone que ninguna persona será objeto de discriminación por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional en cualquier programa o actividad que reciba asistencia financiera federal. Título VI y sus reglamentos requieren que los receptores FTA tomar medidas responsables para garantizar el acceso efectivo a las prestaciones, servicios, información, y otras partes importantes de sus programas y actividades para las personas que están Dominio Limitado del Inglés (LEP). SRTA contrata con Certified Languages International para proporcionar servicios de traducción. Los clientes deben identificar su necesidad en llamar SRTA y SRTA serán conferencia telefónica en el intérprete. Para las personas con problemas de audición, SRTA anima a los clientes a utilizar el servicio PA Relay. Este servicio se puede acceder mediante una llamada al 711. Los servicios de traducción y interpretación son gratuitos. Aplicaciones en smartphones también son recomendados para los recursos del traductor.
The diversity of the people of Adams, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Harrisburg City, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Union, and York has been the source of innovative ideas and creative accomplishments throughout the service area’s history into the present. Diversity – a defining feature of our past, present, and future – refers to the variety of personal experiences, values, and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic region, and more.
Because the core mission of SRTA is to serve the interests of the area, it must seek to serve the diversity among its passengers, stakeholders, and among its employees. SRTA has a compelling interest in ensuring people from all backgrounds have confidence in the accessibility of our services, and employment is possible for all groups.
Therefore, SRTA renews its commitment to the full realization of its historic promise to recognize and nurture our mobility and employment goals by supporting diversity and equal opportunity in its employment and services.
La diversidad de la gente de Adams, Cumberland, Columbia, Dauphin, Franklin, ciudad de Harrisburg, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Union, y York ha sido la fuente de ideas innovadoras y logros creativos en la historia del área de servicios hasta el presente. La diversidad – una característica definitoria de nuestro pasado, presente, y futuro – se refiere a la variedad de experiencias personales, valores y visiones del mundo que se derivan de las diferencias de culturas y circunstancias. Estas diferencias incluyen raza, origen étnico, género, edad, religión, idioma, capacidades / discapacidad, orientación sexual, nivel socioeconómico, región geográfica, y más.
Como la misión principal de SRTA es servir los intereses de la zona, debe tratar de servir la diversidad entre sus pasajeros, las partes interesadas, y entre sus empleados. SRTA tiene un interés apremiante en asegurarse que las personas de todos los orígenes perciban que el acceso a nuestros servicios y empleos es posible para todos los grupos.
Por lo tanto, SRTA renueva su compromiso con la plena realización de su promesa histórica de reconocer y nutrir nuestros objetivos de movilidad y de empleo mediante el apoyo a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo y los servicios.

Susquehanna Regional Transit Authority People With Disabilities Advisory Committee
The Susquehanna Regional Transit Authority People With Disabilities Advisory Committee (SRTA PWDAC) hosts virtual meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to discuss solutions to issues related to local and regional public transportation. Individuals with disabilities, seniors, families, advocates, community members, and service providers are welcome to join in these discussions of improving mobility services. Meetings are held on Zoom ( We also connect with community organizations that provide updates in an effort to identify links and streamline service between providers to create a more accessible environment for our customers.