Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about our public transportation service:

See the Schedule Variations page for more information.
Yes. If you have lost or found something on the bus, please fill out the form located at the Lost & Found page.
If you have a question, comment or complaint, please reach out to our customer service department by calling 1-800-632-9063, weekdays 7:00AM-7:00PM and Saturdays 7:45AM-3:00PM. Or, fill out the form on the Contact Us page.
If you are interested in a career that puts people first while providing mobility services, we want to hear from you! Find out about our current job openings, application process, and employment policies by going to the Careers page.
You can add money to your account by purchasing online or by mail by downloading an order form and mailing back the completed form. Download the form by clicking here and return to rabbittransit, 415 N. Zarfoss Drive, York, PA 17404.
Tickets can also be purchased online using the Buy Passes pages throughout the site or through the Token Transit app.
Winter weather may affect your regularly scheduled route. For real-time updates about your regular routes, we recommend signing up for Rider Alerts. When you sign up for Rider Alerts, you will receive an automated call, a text, or an email when there are unexpected changes to your route(s).
If rabbittransit declares a snow emergency, it may alter its regular snow routes to connect people to parking garages and ‘lifeline’ type facilities. Changes will be made on a route-by-route basis as needed. Whenever possible, all route changes will be announced prior to the change(s). Every attempt will be made to follow the listed snow routes.
See the Schedule Variations page for more information.
Yes! Children under 3’8″ (44 inches) ride free when accompanied by a fare-paying passenger. When boarding the bus, please see the designated measurement zone at the driver’s area. Please note that when traveling with a stroller, the stroller should be folded before entering the bus and should remain folded for the duration of the trip. For the safety and comfort of all passengers, the stroller should be stored out of the aisle.
For riders 17 years of age and younger, discounted student passes are available. These passes must be purchased in person at the Transfer Center or rabbittransit administration offices.
Please be mindful that eating and drinking are not permitted on the bus. When traveling with children, please attend to them for their safety and the safety of others. For the full Code of Conduct Policy, please click here.
rabbittransit is available for outreach presentations to community groups who are interested in learning more about rabbittransit’s service. For more information, contact the Mobility Planning Office at 1-800-632-9063.