Medical Transportation
rabbitcares funds veterans’ transportation to local VA hospitals at no cost to veterans within Adams, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Montour, Northumberland, Union-Snyder and York County. Veterans are encouraged to complete a basic application for Shared Ride service, which aids in supplementing additional rider transportation options, such as local medical, pharmacy, socialization, or grocery trips, while also providing more veterans the opportunity to ride.
Veterans in Dauphin County should call 1-800-303-1904 to apply. Veterans in all other counties should call 1-800-632-9063 and press option 3. Reservations are required for shuttle service, so please call ahead.
For more details and to view shuttle schedules, please click the link for each county:
Donate a ride to a local veteran

Employment Transportation
The veterans employment transportation program provides an 11-ride pass for the fixed route systems of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, and York Counties to attend job interviews. Once a job has been secured, a monthly pass is provided for four months. The cost will be applied in a step-down fashion. For example, the first month will cover 100% of the cost, the second month will cover 75% of the cost, and so on.
All vehicles are ADA accessible.
For more information, call 717-846-5562, ext. 1630 or email