In partnership with Franklin County and the Franklin County Veterans Affairs Office, rabbittransit offers service to the Hagerstown VA Clinic and Martinsburg VA Hospital.
- Service offered Wednesdays.
- Shuttle departs Chamberburg at 8:15am, arriving at Hagerstown VA Clinic at 9:00am and Martinsburg VA Hospital at 10:00am.
- Shuttle departs Martinsburg VA Hospital at 12:00pm, arrives at Chambersburg at 1:30pm. Reservations should be made by 1:30pm the day before (Friday for Monday appointments).
- Veterans can call 1-800-632-9063 (press option #3) to schedule a trip.
- Escorts are permitted and all vehicles are ADA-accessible.
- Transportation to the Hagerstown VA Clinic and Martinsburg VA Hospital is offered at NO COST to veterans of Franklin County. While the service is offered at no cost to veterans, donations toward operating costs are accepted to increase and improve transportation options for veterans.
- Download the application today and mail to rabbittransit, 415 N. Zarfoss Drive, York, PA 17404.
The veterans employment transportation program provides an 11-ride pass for the fixed route systems of Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin (*via CAT Raider Regional Transit), and York Counties to attend job interviews. Once a job is secured, a monthly pass is provided for four months. The cost will be applied in a step-down fashion. For example, the first month will cover 100% of the cost, the second month will cover 75% of the cost, and so on.
All vehicles are ADA-accessible.
For more information, call 1-800-632-9063 (press option #3) or email