rabbittransit requires you to report your new address within 30 days of moving. Please download the form below, fill out all information completely and return to rabbittransit at 415 North Zarfoss Drive, York, PA with two forms of proof of residency.

Acceptable List of Documents for Proof of Residency for Applicants:

  • Current utility/cellphone bills
  • Lease agreements
  • Driver’s license

Note: If you reside with someone and have no bills in your name, you will still need to provide proof of residency. One way to do this is to bring the person with whom you reside, along with their Driver’s License or Photo ID, to a rabbittransit office. Another way is to provide official mail (bank statement, tax notice, magazine etc.) that has your name and address on it. The address must match that of the person with whom you reside.

Download Change of Address Form
row of mailboxes