Learn how and where to buy your bus passes for rabbitEXPRESS.

Attention customers…
All pass sales are final. No refunds can be given on passes. Thank you.
Please allow three business days for your new Express Hop-n-Go passes to arrive.
To complete a one-way trip, rabbitEXPRESS riders may board York or Gettysburg scheduled route vehicle with a transfer from the rabbitEXPRESS bus for free. Transfers are only good for one hour. Please alert the driver at the beginning of your trip that you will need a transfer, but obtain the transfer at the end of your trip.
Riders using a transfer ticket from a scheduled route bus to board a rabbitEXPRESS vehicle will be responsible for paying the difference in fares.
rabbitEXPRESS monthly passholders may ride any fixed route bus for free at any time.
Lebanon Transit (LT) and rabbittransit have a cooperative agreement where transfers between commuter bus routes are accepted free of charge.
Lost or damaged passes can be replaced with an equivalent for a fee. Original receipt required. Contact rabbittransit for more details.